Just follow these steps: 1. Open a new tab 2. In the URL type “chrome://flags” (w/o quotes) 3. Search “password import” 4. Click the dropdown and select Enable 5. Click the “Relaunch now” button in the lower right (desktop…not sure on mobile) 6. Click the “…” menu in the uppper-right corner 7. Click Settings 8. […]
All posts by admin
Atera Removal Script
Copy contents and save as a batch sctipt. msiexec.exe /x {B7C5EA94-B96A-41F5-BE95-25D78B486678} /qn (Splashtop) sc stop “AteraAgent”sc delete “AteraAgent” taskkill /f /im TicketingTray.exetaskkill /f /im AteraAgent.exetaskkill /f /im AgentPackageMonitoringtaskkill /f /im AgentPackageInformationtaskkill /f /im AgentPackageRunCommande.exetaskkill /f /im AgentPackageEventViewer.exetaskkill /f /im AgentPackageSTRemote.exetaskkill /f /im AgentPackageInternalPoller.exetaskkill /f /im AgentPackageWindowsUpdate.exe REG DELETE “HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\ATERA Networks” /fREG DELETE “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ATERA Networks” /fREG […]
Rename AP on Unifi Controller
1. Select Devices in left sidebar 2. Select the device that you would like to change the name (alias) of: 3. In the right pane select the config tab: 4. In the general section change the Alias to whatever you would like: For newer Version 7 Unifi controllers. 1. Select Devices in left sidebar Select […]
Unable to Connect to a VPN with Virgin Hub
If your VPN or VPN router fails to connect and you are a Virgin Media internet customer the issue is more than likely to be that your SuperHub has PPTP and/or L2TP passthrough disabled. Browse to your Super Hub local IP Address (e.g. and log in with the Virgin login details printed on your […]
SBS Decommissioning
Pre-Req: Transfer FMSO roles to the new server From the destination server, open a PowerShell session (Run as Administrator), and type the following command: Move-ADDirectoryServerOperationMasterRole -Identity “DestinationServerName” –OperationMasterRole 0,1,2,3,4 Replace “DestinationServerName” with the name of your new server. To accomplish this last part, you will need to complete the following steps, which are detailed below: Backup the Certificate […]
Step by Step DHCP Failover in Windows Server
What is DHCP Failover? enables two Microsoft DHCP servers to share service availability information with each other, providing DHCP high availability. DHCP failover works by replicating IP address leases and settings in one or more DHCP scopes from a primary DHCP server to a failover partner server. All scope information is shared between the two […]
How to monitoring DFS Replication in Windows Server 2016
DFS Replication monitoring it’s very important task for every IT Pro which use it because we can avoid data loss or unexpected replications that we don’t want. In previous article describe How to install and configure DFS Replication in Windows Server 2016 to create a Disater Recovery solution for your File Server or when have Branches and you need to […]
Migrate DHCP Between Windows servers
There are two ways how you can assign IP addresses to hosts in your computer network, including static and dynamic addressing. Static addressing is manually assigning IP addresses to your hosts which consume much more time and decrease the productivity of IT Administrator. We are recommending you to use dynamic addressing using DHCP (Dynamic Host […]
Server Migration – FRS Error DFSRMIG Domain Controller
Verification of replica Failed. The Specified domain ….local is still using File Replication Service (FRS) to replicate the SYSVOL share. FRS is deprecated. The Server being promoted does not support FRS and cannot be promoted as a replica into the specified domain. You must migrate the specified domain to use DFS Replication using the DFSRMIG […]
Lets Encrypt SSL on Synology Nas
Prerequisites before starting A domain name of your own, such as cliftonsystems.co.uk . If you don’t already own one I recommend registering one. DDNS service configured. I’ll be using the Synology DDNS service as it’s free and I already use it. Create a CNAME DNS record with your registrar to forward requests to your DDNS […]