Installing a new font on your computer is easy and is a great way to add personality to your documents. Below are the steps required to install a font on your computer.

Windows Vista, 7, and 8 users
Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, and XP users
Apple Macintosh users

Tip: If you have not already downloaded a new font there are thousands of fonts available online. Also, any time you install a program that deals with fonts it may install additional fonts on your computer.


Windows Fonts

Windows Vista, 7, and 8 users

Install a font

When downloading a font you’ll have a file that contains the font information. For example, example.ttf is the name of a TrueType font file that would contain the example font. Right-click on the font file and click Install. After clicking install Windows takes a few seconds to install the font and then the font should be installed and available in your programs.

View available fonts

  1. Open the Control Panel.
  2. Click Appearance and Personalization and then Fonts icon by double clicking the icon.
  3. Within the Fonts window, you can view each of the currently installed fonts as well as delete any fonts shown.

Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, and XP users

  1. Click Start, Settings, Control Panel.
  2. Open the Fonts icon by double clicking the icon.
  3. Within the Fonts window, you can view each of the currently installed fonts as well as install new fonts. To install a font, click the File menu and select Install New Font.
  4. Locate the directory of the fonts you want to install.
  5. Highlight the fonts you want to install and click ok.
  • Missing install font option in Windows.

Tip:Users may also install fonts onto the computer by opening the Fonts folder through Windows Explorer. Usually this folder is either C:\WINDOWS or C:\WINNT\FONTS. Once this folder is open, select the fonts you want to install from an alternate folder and copy and paste them into the Fonts folder.

Apple Macintosh users

  1. Open the System Fonts folder.
  2. Open the drive or folder containing the fonts that you want to install.
  3. Select each of the fonts you want to install.
  4. While holding down the Options key, drag and drop the fonts into your Fonts folder.

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